Thursday, March 22, 2007

Still in LA, Still in LA

Got on the plane. Plane pushes back. Announcement - bad weather in Phoenix have to wait 20 minutes. Drive all around LAX in plan. Annoucement - prepare to take off. Announcement - they've closed down Phoenix for bad weather. Drive to waiting spot. Call Wife - don't know when I'll be home. Announcement - going back to gate because we need more fuel, don't know when we're going to Phoenix. My connection? Who knows. Brainstorm! Call Wife. She goes on internet and books a direct flight from LAX to ABQ on Southwest. Get off plane. I don't have Southwest boarding pass. Should I go out and get one. What if the reservation didn't take? Won't be able to get back through security. Do it. Get boarding pass. More time to kill. AH HA, a USAir Club. Go in. Sitting in tranquel quiet and going to get a wine. I have 30 minutes to kill and it's still showing on time. (hope, hope, hope...)


Anonymous said...

When at an airport, find the nearest pub, expect the worst, and drink excessive amounts of alcohol :)

alexis said...

Ahh the romance of the travelling business person!

stef said...

So how much does it cost to charter a private plane anyway?

Michael Podolny said...

Final denoument. I went to the gate and the SW plane originated from Phenix and ended up leaving 1 hour late - but it did leave and I did get home.

Tim - only problem is then you have to pee and if you are stuck on the plane with bumpy air with the seat belt fasten sign on - not good.

Alexis - the romance would be that much better if one was going internationally so all aspects of delay were translated into days instead of hours.

Stef - Don't know except that it's a lot.

Anonymous said...

Just UGH!!