Friday, March 30, 2007

Early Spring Garden Report

Since Mrs. de-I is not a blogger, I feel required to keep people apprised of her activities and accomplishments. As you may remember she has been hard at work getting the garden ready to go. The dwarf peach tree is in as are the cold weather veggies. The hardy herbs are already growing so I've been able use some fresh oregano and parsley. There's a slew of nice new chives waiting to be picked.

But the big news is the spring bulbs. Early spring color has up until now not been an area of success for Wife. That has changed this year. The first wave of daffodils (white and yellow)and hyacinths (lavender and white) are up. All the tulip bulbs that AinA lovingly acquired for Wife (and which Wife was afraid she had planted too late) are coming up in abundance. In addition she had the brainstorm to plant a slew of pansies (cold loving, full of color). Good job there Mrs. de-I.


alexis said...

Oh, that's so great! Especially the tulips :), it's funny they're also blooming here! I can't wait to see pictures.

Anonymous said...

Mom's are still pushing up because of the late planting. I think it will be another couple of weeks until they bloom. On the other hand it will be nice because the other flowers will be going and we'll get another hit of color.