Monday, March 5, 2007

Aliens! Industrial Espionage! - no just young goats

Earlier I related the mystery of our garbage. Cans and bags disappearing into thin air without a trace. This led to all kinds of conspiracy theories. People were going through our bags of berry bush clippings in order to figure out Podolny Group secrets via the angle of the pruning cuts. Unfortunate wife talked to our trusty neighbor who while walking their dogs found our garbage can (or one just like it) a block and half away. It seems that some kids were taking them for kicks. Oh and the neighbor had picked up the bags too the night before we left.


Anonymous said...

Sure, kids just picked through your garbage. Wake up man! The neighbor is part of The Man! They spooks dude, part of the CIA. Hell, I could get arrested just for telling you. Run! Run! Run!

alexis said...

aw shoot. I read the title and I thought maybe they'd introduced mountain goats into the Sandias.