Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bulge Counter Attack

Got on the scale today after eating only slightly more than Friday and the friggin' weight was up 2.2 pounds to 179! AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like water gain d-I. It likes to trick you like that. Oh well, a temporary low still counts. Eye on the prize...eye on the prize.

Pulisha said...

I know it's a bit late to be commenting on this one, but it's never a good idea to weigh yourself on such a frequent basis. Once a week is sufficient for precisely the reason LVC mentioned above. Weight fluctuates from day to day and even throughout the day. Try upping your water intake (esp. since you fly so much), flush those toxins outta der!

Anonymous said...

Unfortuately Pu if I drank that much water, with my schedule, I'd have to devote at least 25% of my time to finding rest rooms!