Saturday, March 17, 2007

Battle of the Bulge Breakthrough!

As all of my close ones know, I have been on a quest to get my weight down. After a long slow deterioration through my 40's and 50's, I made a commitment last August to get my weight down. It was even worse then I thought. Mrs. de-I bought us a new scale and I found the old one was off 5 pounds ...too light.

So at commencement I was around 190. We have been on a calorie counting regime and through November I had gotten my weight down to 177 - a figure not seen in two decades. I would be happy at this weight but figured I needed to lose another 3-4 pounds to give myself some leeway to resume a slightly looser eating regime.

Along come the holidays, and to my surprise without sacrificing much I held to 177. Then came the resumption of business travel and now my weight was ballooning up to 181! Back to the regime and down to 177 again. For two weeks I've cut the calories back substantially further. Up until Friday it was no go. I was stuck at my low of 177.4 and that was it. Then Friday I hit 177.2 and this morning 176.8.

Of course I hit the road again this week (and NO I do not want to change any dining plans with my foodie offspring thank you very much). But at least I know that I have gotten through the barrier.

1 comment:

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Progress is progress!! Seems like we're always thinking we need to lose another 3-5 pounds.