Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - Seventh Cuba Pictures! Nicho Falls & Entry to Trinidad

Whoa Mr. Peabody. The Wayback Machine has gone all haywire and somehow we've gone back in time to Cuba! This set of pictures covers the day when we left Cienfuegos. We were heading into a mountainous region called the Nicho. The tourist attraction here is Nicho Falls. Then we were on to our next city visit, Trinidad de Cuba. But as with much of this trip, the voyage between the places we stopped at is as much of the experience as the place itself because this is where we see the real Cuba. Both Nicho Falls and Trinidad are definitely on the tourist tour/cruise ship tour agendas.

As I go back to the pictures of this day I am reminded of something Wife and I discussed just this evening at dinner. We were so amazed at the color, the patterns, the amazing different looks of Cuba. I don't know how many pictures I took overall this day but even after editing I had 71. So let's jump into the experience that is Cuba yet again.

Revolutionary Spirit
If you are on the main tourist sights and paths you are not going to see these as evidently they are considered not conducive to bringing in tourist dollars. But I want you to have the proper revolutionary fervor before you go on with this post

Last Cienfuegos pictures on a calm morning
Cemetery with famous people from the struggle for independence

 Driving to El Nicho
Seeing the real Cuba in the country

Drying coffee beans

In a small town
According to LÍvan very unusual in having a hot spot for internet
Some political connection?

 At El Nicho Falls

 Lovely couple from Italy seduced into having pictures taken with our cool new 'Travel Bloggers' business card!
 Welcome to Trinidad de Cuba
The town where time stood still according to LÍvan
Around the mid 19th century, trade patterns changed and Trinidad was suddenly left out. So it missed the whole late 19th century neoclassical building craze.
View from the street our B&B was on

There was some kind of festival going on so we went wandering toward it

It was loud and full of music...a big thing in Cuba

Then when we got back we went to the roof of our B&B because the sun was setting

Even in hindsight looking at the pictures, I am agreeing with Wife that Cuba was an amazing place



Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

As someone who works on the electricity in my home, those pictures of tangled wires make me slightly ill.

de-I said...

Look at pictures of American cities at the turn of the last century and what their wiring looked like!

alexis said...

that kid is hilarious!