Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Sometimes I have to pinch myself to see if I am in a dream. I can remember as I went into my 50's and 60's how all my peers would laugh and say that the 'Golden Years' were all a joke. You just deteriorated, got miserable and because of improved medicine you didn't die but just lingered on being miserable for a longer period of time. And I know that is indeed true for an awful lot of people.

But as I've related to before on this blog, despite the physical deterioration, the overall quality of life and enjoyment for Wife and I has seemed to expand and improve. We know we worked hard and a lot of it is our attitude, but some of it is just luck or God's grace as one's disposition would have it.

I mean 2018 was pretty awesome. We continued to travel. We continue to do the things we love. Our family is close to us even if physically far away. And 2019 promises to be an even more interesting year. We have a full slate of travel planned. Wife turns 70 and as said if anyone does a surprise party for her she will personally do surgery without anesthesia on them. (Actually Wife would never say anything like that. But I do think it captures her spirit about surprise parties). So no surprise party. Got it? Just well publicized party with no mystery whatsoever. Continuing to work at a controlled level continues to stimulate and bring satisfaction.

And in February, I will be testing a new project involving donating time and expertise in a developing country for the purposes of job creation that I have been working on for over two years when I travel to Accra, Ghana. More about that when we get closer.

So despite being in our 70's and our many decades of marriage (both Wife and I have been saying over and over to each other "45 years! That's a freaking lot of years. Can you believe we've been married for 45 freaking years!) life seems to continue to expand and enrich.

And let me leave you with this vision of beautiful, sunny New Mexico to lighten your spirits for the coming year.


alexis said...

you guys have an amazing life and I'm glad I am part of it. :)

Agent W said...

May 2019 be a year of great adventure, success & good health!!

Tee said...

I think you two have truly grasped the secret of life. You maintain a healthy level of gratitude, stay active, dedicate time to hobbies and travel, and generally take things as they come.

That video looks more like a scene out of Minnesota rather than New Mexico. Then again, I just wrote that as the sun shines brightly outside and current temperature is 44 degrees. That's pretty amazing for MN in January!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

You are a great role model when it comes to gratitude.