Friday, January 18, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - Day Fourteen, Mexico City Major Sights 1 of 3

After our sort of less than full energy day yesterday, the travel team of Wife and de-I were out in force today. We had a list of three major places we wanted to go to. But there was so much to see that we only got around to two of them. There is going to be a lot of Mexico City we are not going to get to during our four days.

The major sights of the day were the Palacio Nacional, which is their main Federal governmental building, and the Templo Mayor, which is the only major Aztec building which has been somewhat saved and restored from the Spanish conquest (more on that later).

Like our recent trip to Havana, it was a day of mass picture taking. And as with Havana, I've decided to break down the pictures into three posts. The first is just the 'other stuff', the street scenes. Then we will get into the heavier duty posts with the other two sights

We were out early around 9 AM and the Zocolo was pretty much deserted
The sky was blue and the light was better
I took a few more shots of the cathedral

(for those experienced in traveling here as in you are on your second day)
Ciudad de Mexico/Mexico City
has possibly the brightest colored street cleaners in the world


Cool tiles

We arrived too early to get into the Palacio Nacional so we used the time to work on some of our photo techniques. The mass of tourist shops was setting up and I used that as the backdrop to capture some candid photos of people

A finally
Do not put flowers on your camera!


alexis said...

glad to hear you recovered!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

As always, signs of the world are instructive. Putting flowers on your camera obviously obscures the flash!