Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - Day Twelve, Back To Mexico

Today was a transit day flying from Havana to Mexico City where we will spend the next four days. Very little to report actually. Our flight was not until mid-afternoon. We were both tired from the long days in Cuba and decided to sleep in and not try to do anything the last morning. Our tour company had arranged a cab which arrived early so there was no stress getting to the airport. Managed to use up all our Cuban currency at the airport for lunch. We flew on Aero Mexico, yet another new airline. Wife and I need to sit down and figure out just how many different airlines we have flown. Aero Mexico uses a modified Mandarin system for boarding...meaning everyone just piles on with no real organization.

Arriving at Ciudad Mexico (Mexico City) was such a pleasurable return to the kind of Western culture we are used to. Phones worked. Mobile data worked. No currency issues. No security getting into country issues. We are staying at a US brand hotel using some frequent stay points and are luxuriating in having more than a single towel. We were referred to a nice but not expensive place for dinner from the hotel and were happily reintroduced to Mexican food.

Mexico City promises to be a cornucopia of photographic delights.

1 comment:

alexis said...

tell me if it feels safe to live there with kids