Saturday, January 19, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - Fourth Cuba Pictures! Havana, Balconies and Automobiles


Major disruption in the time-space continuum.

We are back in Cuba...Havana to be specific where we are going to look at balconies... yes a freaking bunch of pictures just on balconies...and classic automobiles, which Cuba is unique in having turned into an art form.

So over the last couple of years we have touched on a number of areas of the world that were under the influence of Spain during it's Baroque period (Lecce in Italy, New Orleans in the U.S. and now Havana)
Balconies have been a major architectural element

And wear there are balconies...
...there's laundry!
I LOVE laundry
So colorful

And in Havana
Our tour with Wij in Cuba Tours had a number of 'regular tourist activities' in addition to getting us off the beaten path
One of these was the ride around Havana in the classic convertible car
I was skeptical but it turned out to be great fun, relaxing and very romantic
Our pink 1950's Ford convertible
 Our driver who was very sweet and friendly

Our guide LÍvan who I have extolled our praises on
It is rare in Cuba to run into traffic
Wife dreams her dream

Classic cars and weird cars


alexis said...

I guess there is less demand to drive in old 'classic' Russian 50's cars....

Bernice said...

G would have loved the cars, even the weird ones.