Thursday, January 17, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - Third Cuba Pictures! Havana, Sculpture

I am up early. Wife is still sleeping so I am slogging through more posts of Havana pictures. This just goes to show you how incredible the experience in this city was. This post is on sculpture. There has been a lot of public sculpture done over the last 20 years and considering the amount of sculpture we look at I was really impressed.

A lot of the art in the city is the result of an ongoing competition according to LÍvan
Each year the winner's piece is put into the city
He told us who all these people are but of course I have forgotten
 I love the sense of motion
 There was all kinds of debate among the three of us as to what this is supposed to mean
BTW, Cuba ranks right up with Italy as top rank for naked women's breast displays in public art and pop culture
A poet? A singer?

Now the artist on this one really was making a statement
It is supposed to represent the victory of converting the indigenous people to Christianity
I think the two faces speak for themselves


This lady is the symbol of Havana
Again LÍvan told us the story but I have forgotten most but I think it was a noble women whose husband went off and didn't return and she ended up running the city.

 This is dedicated to barbers from all over the world many of whom contributed to it
Statues of revolutionary figures are de rigeur 
Found in virtually every square in Cuba
(the pigeon is optional)

 Not Jose Marti



Rob said...

You could do a series of all the pictures you've taken around the world which show a statue with one pigeon sitting on the top...

alexis said...

I'm going to show the statue pictures to our pigeons and see if I can't convince them to move. All that temperate weather and lots of real estate available!