Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - Second Cuba Pictures! Havana Architecture

OMG! Not just Internet...FAST Internet. So here goes the second Havana picture post. This one is dedicated only to architecture. The city is 500 years old and somehow virtually every era this represents is found still intact in the city - from Andalusian inspired colonial, to Spanish Baroque, to 19th century neo-classical, to art deco, to 1930's/40's style and modern socialist inspired, it is all here.

Some samples of Restoration that has been accomplished over the last 15 years

Centuries of different styles in one building
The Cathedral took almost 400 years to complete

Limestone is a primary building material and you can see many fossils in the walls

Older buildings with very large floors are being renovated into having two or three floors in the same space

Views from on high


Monumental structures


Original water system designed in 16th century

1 comment:

alexis said...

I saw your dreaded nemesis lurking behind a building in one of your photos... the loathed cruise ship.