Sunday, January 6, 2019

Mesoamerica 2019 - Day Two, Guadalajara Centro Historico Immersion

After our hard first few hours in Guadalajara, we slept late. Our hotel is blessedly very dark and quiet, a great inducement to sleep. I slept for 8 full hours with only one bathroom break which is insane for me. The hotel here has breakfast from 7 AM to Noon! I told Wife we could go early for breakfast and come back around 11:30 and have lunch LOL. Despite it all we still got out and were on the streets to do our thing by 10 AM.

It was cool and the streets had much fewer people it being Sunday morning. We are staying in what is called the Centro Historico, basically the old town. Once again we are in an area with what we now recognize as the the Mesoamerica/Caribbean  architecture style along with the Spanish Baroque and Neoclassical style - a style we saw in New Orleans.

A few general comments about our stay so far. Take these with a grain of salt as we have only been here about 30 hours so far. There is a lot to like in Guadalajara. It is not too hard to get around in this district. People in general have been very friendly. We really stand out. We have not seen a whole bunch of other tourists, but there is none of the feeling that people are watching you that we've experienced in some other countries. Living in New Mexico with its heavy Hispanic influenced culture, things here in how they look, how people act, food, etc, doesn't seem terribly alien...different for sure but in some ways comfortable. There is just enough English speaking that we've been able to get most questions answered. And Spanish is easier in many ways to navigate that languages in other places we've been. There has been so far much less of the aggressive hitting up of tourists for money that we've encountered some places. Food and other purchases have been much less expensive. So our initial impressions are very positive.

We were picture taking fools today! So even with ruthless editing their are still skads of them (that's a technical term among travel bloggers for more than a whole bunch). So shall we move on? Of course we shall because this blog is a 'WE' of one (Mwahahahahahaha)

As is my style, rather than go in chronological order, I will give you a sense of this city as I was perceiving it.

Street Scenes
The main drag by our hotel, Avenida Juarez is closed on Sunday's for bicycle traffic
People in Guadalajara

Mother daughter at city sign

Dancing in the Plaza de la Liberacion

Using my new blogger business card to get lovely people

A different version of the 'biker' dude
Creole, Spanish Baroque, Neo-classical

Patios and Laundry?
But of course

Street Art

I am not sure if the fish is eating the pineapple or they are dancing
"Damn it! I am a serious work of art!"
"Get this damn pigeon off of me!"

Retail Display as Art Form
I have been amazed at how much attention goes into the display of retail items in terms of pattern and eye appeal. Don't think I've encountered it anywhere else we've been

Palacio de Gobierno y Orozco
Basically city hall but with two phenomenal murals by Jose Clemente Orozco

Music in the streets
There are all kinds of folks at least on the weekends playing music with a wide range of quality

The 'all other' category

As often happens, when we need food we can't find it
We were in sad state when we saw this bakery with a big line for these
There was a woman speaking English to her children
She was originally from Guadalajara but now lives in the US
Turns out it was a holiday, Day of the Holy Kings
And this special cake is eaten on that day
We saw this service going on
She directed us to a huge market 
Mercado San Juan de Dios
Where we found...
Who had lived in Woodbridge Virginia for 17 years working in the cabinetry business before returning home. He took very good care of us with these
They are actually crisp tacos filled with beans and potatoes, covered with tomato sauce, lettuce, and pork

Monumental Fountain

And last but not least
Signs of the World!!!!
I would not call this a city that is a gold mine of signage opportunities
But I do like the variety of 'Walk' signals from 'calm' to 'determined' to 'forceful'


Rob said...

I like the last walk signal "Run, now, it's your only chance!!"

alexis said...

is there a car that comes and squashes the pedestrian if he/she does not cross when the time is up?