Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Red Menace Breakthrough

Ok I know this sounds like I've morphed back in time to my days as a parent, but it can't be helped with the current occupation of the homeland by the forces of Pulisha.

As is my norm when I'm not contributing to the Air Travel Management Benevolent Fund, I try to cook dinner each night I'm here. Of course with younger folks you have to have dinner early, so I adjust. Miss C is never a problem. In fact she and I cuddle in front of the TV and watch Iron Chef so that shows you here eating inclinations (a chip of the ole block of Parmesan). Little Miss J on the other hand has been in full two year old, "I hate you all for having uprooted me from my routine" mode. So usually my culinary offerings are snubbed perfunctorily.

However, with patience all things happen. I made some pasta with chicken and Miss J not only had four servings but actually said, "Thank you Grandpa." Awwwwwww.


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Awwww, that is nice. Good for you!

alexis said...

so domestic! I knew you guys would get into it. But then maybe it's also fun because you are there just for the more fun bits? I feel that way when I visit sometimes - like I'm getting the best of sample

stef said...

Awww. Nothing like thanks to make it all worth it!