Those with a deep de-I family history will probably suspect that I am talking about my youngest daughter -- but then we'd be talking about the channelee not the channeler. No I'm afraid that this source of intrusion into my psyche comes from an entirely different direction; so insidious that it's almost too frightening to contemplate.
I was becoming slightly aware of this in recent months but a comment to the blog from AinA about my use of the term, "sweet", brought it all into terrifying clarity. I should have seen this when the moment I would get off the plane in Chicago, I would suddenly start making rather blatant comments about any attractive person in a skirt; something I do nowhere else. I should have recognized it when three weeks ago in Chicago, we were making a left turn on to Hooker and were stuck behind a car whose driver had decision paralysis and blurted out series of obscenities about them before my partner who was driving could even open his mouth.
God help me if I suddenly have a desire to join a fantasy football league.
ahhh, cross-pollination! Joe starts taking pictures of food, you start cat-calling. Though I am heartened to read that it is equal opportunity hooting, as you mention you admire any person wearing a skirt. Good to know the attractive trannie is not lost on you dad. ;)
hee hee Lex! You are on fire!
Hey, some of those trannies look a LOT like women!! It's tough to tell sometimes.
de-I almost HAS to look because I often would say "Look at the (fill in your choice of body parts here) on that chick!!" What's he going to do? He's just being polite to me. God love him. Hey, more reinforcement in December since you're staying with me on your trip!!
Ricardo hasn't conformed yet though. He still drives tepidly at best and looks only quizzically when I jeer.
That's all in the past now though! At least the chick part. The yelling at drivers still happens all the time.
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