Monday, May 21, 2007

It Will Be Done When It's Done

The work in the garden continues non-stop. Mrs. de-I hasn't been giving me too complete a vision of exactly what the end point is supposed to be. In justice to her, since I haven't been here all that much the last few weeks, it's not that easy for her to be communicating her vision of the garden. I'm thinking that even accounting for new computers, camera lens, trip to San Francisco this is coming out to a lot less than if we hired someone to do it.

Now a number of you have asked if I could get pictures of the garden and post them. Well this may be a more complicated issue that you would think. Most of you are not old enough to remember the book and movie, The Agony and the Ecstasy. It was a fictional biography of Michelangelo. In the movie there is a major sub-plot where Pope Julian (Rex Harrison) is having Michelangelo (Charlton Heston) doing the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and it's taking a long, long time. The pope keeps popping up and asking, "When will it be done?" and Michelangelo says, "It will be finished when it is finished" or something close to that.

Well dear readers, I have my own Sistine Chapel taking place and Mrs. de-Iangelo as told me the pictures will come when they come.


alexis said...

I started reading that book... You know dad, you could take some pictures too.

Anonymous said...

That would imply a number of things that are quite beyond the realm of the likely.

1. I would have a camera
2. I would learn how to use the camera function of my PDA
3. I would learn how to upload these pictures to my computer
4. I would proactively do any of this of my own volition without some family member (i.e. Mom) forcibly making me learn it (like she recently did with my IPod)

stef said...

how are you enjoying all your new technology by the way? blackberry, ipod....

Anonymous said...

The PDA is pretty good. Much better as a PDA than as a phone however. I'm still loading music on the IPod and have not really used it yet. However, Mums bought be some noise reducing headphones so I'm going to give it a try on my next trip.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Does that make you Ms. Charlton Heston? I can't imagine what it's like to have seen the first installed flush toilet and then transitioned to radios, washers/dryers, televisions, vcrs, Walkmans, cell phones, DVD players and now all the crap we have. Pretty amazing that you can do anything at all!!

Michael Podolny said...

No it makes me the Pope (hence the el supremo moniker). And if you thought seeing the first flush toilet was an exciting, you should have seen the party for the wheel!