Monday, May 7, 2007

Baby Sitting Clarified

One may have read the comment from Pulisha, honorable very pregnant daughter number two of de-Intimidator that she had never understood that babysitting services were among the privileges available as a daughter in this family. (One might also remember that she made similar comments about not knowing about d-I being a patsy for taking daughters and husbands out to dinner too.) So to ensure that there is no confusion, I'm posting the official d-I coupon for babysitting services.


de-Intimdator Enterprises is a leading provider of remote, on-site babysitting services to d-I clan members. This coupon entitles the bearer to obtain babysitting from de-Intimidator Enterprises subject to the following conditions.

  • Such services are only to be provided on a Friday night when d-I is in the city of the appropriate child
  • Total age of all grandchildren under d-I care cannot exceed 9 years
  • No grandchild put under d-I care may exhibit any personality traits which drove d-I nuts when parent of said grandchild was a child
  • All grandchildren put under d-I care must have lived in the continental USA for no less than three consecutive years
  • Support of any and all sports teams located in New York State north of Westchester by any member of a babysitting seeking household may be cause for invalidating this coupon


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, no mention that the grandchild has to be de-I's grandchild...just A grandchild. Me thinks I'll be making copies of this coupon for my friends!!

Michael Podolny said...

Au contraire (that's French for on the contrary). The coupon clearly states that we provide baby sitting for d-I clan members

alexis said...

man, I am totally missing out!!

stef said...

phew! I'll manage to stay valid for quite a while methinks!

Pulisha said...

Hmmm, so what you're saying is, we don't qualify? ;) Go Sabres!