Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Measure Your Sugar Status

Wife recently gave me an article to read from the NY Times Sunday Magazine. It was all about this website that acted like E-Harmony and except for Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies. The former are older men who are looking for relationships with with the later which are younger women who want to be in a relationship. They differentiators from other sites being that there is a monetary component expected in these relationships going from the Daddy to the Baby. Of course these types of relationships are as old as history. The article went to great lengths to point out the differences between these relationships and others such as prostitution and mistresses - the primary being that these are mutually consented to often with significant like/dislike components and emotional components.

What struck me was that most of the 'Sugar Daddies' referenced ranged in age from the mid 30's to the mid-40's. What gives? My mental image of the Sugar Daddy is the guy from Monopoly, you know with the top hat.

At Wife's surprise party I was mentioning this to hiking buddy Wild Bill, his wife Jill (yes, yes Bill and Jill) and comrade Gaius Derf. I was waxing a bit sadly that I was even too old to be a Sugar Daddy.

Wild Bill - "Yes you're more like caramel"

Jill - "I think he's all the way to the hard candy stage!"

Gaius Derf - "Further. He's burnt sugar"



Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

The truth sucks!! Aren't you more of a Splenda Daddy?? :-)

Anonymous said...

Poor Uncle De-I. He's too old to treat women as arm candy. My deepest sympathies. (And I know, I know - the women are just as shallow in that article.)

Michael Podolny said...

SRM - I can not believe the sarcasm!

terri said...

Nah, you're never too old to be a sugar daddy. The only requirement is that you've got the money to give. Isn't it?

WeaselMomma said...

Your still plenty sweet enough. Some things improve with age (candy is not one of them).

Mike said...

Well... I'm too young (and too poor) to be a sugar daddy. I suppose Julia will just have to suck it up and deal with it.

Aside from that, it doesn't really matter how old you are; it's how old you THINK you are. My dad is 53, but if you ask him how old he thinks he is, it's usually in the 18 to 25 range. With that mentality, you can be in the same boat as me.

Now... don't you feel better?