Friday, February 8, 2019

A Story Update

Just as little break from posting about the upcoming Ghana epic, I thought I would talk again about my writing. (For past posts go here). When I first entered into my transitioned life, the writing of my Story became an obsession. The words flew from my mind and for a period of two years they did not stop until finally I had written a saga of four books and some 1200 pages.

With that over, there was this sad pause. I loved writing but the epic had been told with the most satisfactory resolution to the drama (in my mind...the only one that counts). I made an attempt to start a fifth book picking up where the saga ended. I had over the years had bits and pieces of how in the characters might or the story might continue to unfold.

I started writing but the same passion and spontaneous creativity wasn't there. I started a different story and for a while it was moving at a very rapid pace but then it hit a wall. Than last year, I picked up the fifth book of the original saga again. And slowly but surely the spontaneous creativity came back.

So 2018 was another year of passionate writing. I finished the first draft of the book a month ago and I am in the final editing process. This is always a sad time. I am proud to see the work finished but it is sad realizing that the friend I've spent so many nights with is leaving. Fortunately, in starting this book five, I have in fact started another whole cycle and the pieces of book number six are already bouncing around in my head awaiting to be free.


Bernice said...

I am very interested in how your trip will play out. Hope you can post to the blog from there.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It is delightful to see how my friends and family pick up new or neglected hobbies when they retire. Good to hear your muse hasn't left you.

alexis said...

that is amazing, so many books!!