Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Little Rest But Not Much Recreation

I came home from Connecticut last Tuesday after 9 days of dealing with the Father issues. The immediate crisis has passed but the question of just how long he will last and whether the system of support we've set up in Connecticut will suffice. One of the problems is that it is virtually impossible for us to organize a system whereby one of the brothers (who all live out of state) can be with Dad all the time. We've floated an idea of getting him to one of our houses - an expensive proposition but but potentially much better for giving him loving attention.

On the home front as fate would have it, Wife had a trip to visit one of the girls scheduled for Wednesday through Sunday evening. As I am on my way back to Connecticut (this being Sunday), that meant I got a whole 26 hours with her before she left. I should be home next Thursday barring any new crises.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

It sounds like you're facing some tough decisions with your father. I wish you had had more time with Aunt de-I.

Mike said...

I know it's been a rough couple of weeks for you. I hope things begin to settle down soon. Prayers going out for you, your dad, and the family.

terri said...

I can't imagine the difficulty in trying to coordinate quality care for your father from such a distance. I hope you and your brothers are able to work out something that brings a little more peace of mind to everyone.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Sending out prayers and good thoughts to you and your family.

Jules said...

26 hours with Wife is better than missing her by 15 minutes, though that still isn't a lot of time before she goes on her trip. Hope you get some good rest!