Friday, January 6, 2012

Annual Sighting

The picture you see below is a rare occurrence. It is a picture of the top of my desk. Many would say that I am pretty anally persnickety person. And that may be true. But it has never applied to my workspace organization. Typically my desk is a series of piles - large diameter piles on the outside with many smaller diameter piles as you get closer to where the computer goes.

Fortunately, I took an archeology class why back when with a field lab so I learned how to grid off areas and go through strata to get to certain time periods. Because that is the way I usually end up having to find things. But once a year at the New Year, I go through everything on the desk, throw tons out and start all over.

However if you look carefully you will see that I've left my little starter piles to build upon. No sense have to do everything from scratch!


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Wow, so it's normally much WORSE than that? Hmmm, maybe mine is that bad too now that I look around. Ugh. Time to clean.

terri said...

I have to clean my desk regularly. It drives me nuts to have all the piles that build up during the day. But once I tidy up, I can never remember where I've put things.

Hmmm... maybe you're onto something.

Anonymous said...

I think towards the end of December this year we will need a picture of the desk before you clean it :)

alexis said...

hrm, I can't say it looks that much more improved than usual? :P

Bernice said...

If you did not have starter piles nothing would grow, right? Maybe that is the way to go.

Mike said...

Lol - "starter piles." It's like those bags of dough that people give out around Christmas time that perpetually grow and spawn new dough.

I'm an organization nazi, and I generally have a place for everything.