Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hiking Season Opens

After a number of weeks of getting into the groove, we are starting serious hiking. Michael and Bill's Sandia Outfitters (Our motto: You Have Nothing to Lose - except a bear...or a rattlesnake...or maybe over a cliff) are planning a full schedule of challenging hikes this year.

Today was our first lengthy hike. We went 4.5 miles on the very popular La Luz Trail. The La Luz is really the most gentle of thrails we do and a nice one to start pushing oneself.

One of the views from the lookout

Holy Moly we ran into some scary old mountain man!

Oh never mind - it's just Gaius Derf


WeaselMomma said...

Thanks for my morning chuckle.

Mike said...

Julia just got back camping/hiking with one of her friends this morning. They were gone for two days. All of this outoors business makes ME want to go!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to become a more serious hiker. I went on a 1.3 mile hike this past weekend with my friend, but it was 0% challenging and really pretty boring with the exception of two caves. I want to go back to do the 4 mile loop, which has a higher difficulty and supposedly some good views. I am a huge fan of hiking, but I need to learn a lot more.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

This week a scary mountain man, next week possibly a bear!!

terri said...

Do you put up with the same ribbing from Gaius Derf as he puts up with from you?

Michael Podolny said...

Terri - Let's just say that Gaius Derf gives as good as he gets.