Monday, May 25, 2009

Garden Report - Spring 2009

Wife with all that she has had going on with cleaning up after the remodel and getting the house set up again was not about to let slip one of her great loves - her garden. When we first met she always insisted that she hated farm life where she had grown up. But as we finally got our home here that she really loves, the farm girl in her has come out.

Things are always changing in the garden as Wife pursues perfection.

This season the flower section is featuring yellow much like the house.
(I'm not sure that this picture really captures that)
The herb garden is going nuts and there are a slew of peppers, squashes, tomatoes, cucumbers and I think some watermelon

New on the North Wall are an expanded Rose section

Peaches in Progress

You may have remembered us wrapping the tree in March when we had freezing weather after a really warm February. One of the odd results is that peaches ended up only growing on one side of the tree!

Berry Lane Report

During the construction, most of the berry bushes had to be completely cut back. However, they've bounced back fine. Wife planted three new blackberry bushes where the old shed use to be.

Raspberries are already starting to develop


alexis said...

who will eat all the berries now that the hoards have migrated?

terri said...

I think the farm girl has most definitely resurfaced! It's amazing how many things your wife has planted. I'm a little jealous of the peach tree, rose bushes and all the berries!

WeaselMomma said...

I wish I were a bunny in your back yard. Nice buffet.

Anonymous said...

I like the path on the side where the shed used to be.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

The garden and all look awesome. Are they ahead of last year? If so, is it due to any weather changes? Interesting.

de-I said...

Alexis - I think preserve making will fill in the gap.

Terri - Wife's little secret is perennials which really cut down the amount of on going work each year.

WeaselMomma - You might want to check out how Wife dealt with squirrel invasions in the past before taking on the cloak of garden eating animal.

LCJ - No I think we're pretty much on track. Maybe it just seems that way since it has been so cold in Chi Town.

stef said...

Yay! White raspberry preserve for me please. (no seeds)

tim said...

Berry Lane looks awesome with no, btw, feel free to send any berry products to Florida..or has that ship sailed :)

Pulisha said...

Mmmm, berry lane. What will you do without the hordes descending on upon your berry bushes? You might actually have some to eat now! ;)

Anonymous said...

Oooh that makes me want a garden! It all looks amazing. It's great to be able to grow your own spices and veggies, and fruits.

Looking forward to the blogs of you using all these things!

Mike said...

*Sigh* I miss having a yard to work in. Maybe this summer... we don't know yet.

Thanks for the visual tour!