Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yet Another Hero Disappointing Us?

Am I talking about Michael Phelps? No. Am I talking about A-Rod? No.

I'm talking about Aimee the Huntress. The Suzuki of Mass Destruction has been back on the road for over a month and have we heard one word of another road kill? No.

Has she let fame go to her head? Is she one of these athletes who after one season of success suddenly rest on their laurels.

Aimee...where are the new woodchuck pelts? No Pennsylvania Black Bears to turn into rugs?

Please don't let us down. Besides. I have you in my fantasy Road Kill League.


terri said...

Ok, I'm crabby today and this just made me LAUGH!

Anonymous said...

you did see that i got me a possum a week or so ago didn't you? that sucker was huge! i'm surprised i didn't get any body damage from hitting it. guess i should take the hint and stop multi-tasking while i'm driving.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Fantasy Road Kill League. That's just funny.

WeaselMomma said...

It looks like Nonna is in the lead. I have a score of 0.

Anonymous said...

LOL HAHAHA!!! I laughed out loud when I read this.

Unfortunately, I have yet to score in this event. I'll have to start working on that.

Michael Podolny said...

The actual score is:

Aimee - 4
Nonna - 2

Come on Nonna - late season push.
Mike - it's not too late.