Friday, February 6, 2009

Blogger Incarcerated for Fraudulent Posting

Associated Press – Albuquerque New Mexico
February 6, 2008

Agents of the Bureau for Internet Information Accuracy (BIIA) raided the home of almost completely unknown blogger, de-Intimidator today in order to interrupt a disinformation campaign initiated by Mr. de-Intimidator.

Henrietta Schmedlapp, spokesperson for the BIIA, told reporters;

“Ever since its creation by Al Gore, the U.S. government has been committed to ensuring that every piece of information on the Internet is completely accurate, verifiable, or at least serves the purpose of whatever party is currently in power. Mr. de-Intimidator has betrayed this trust in the worse manner possible.”

According to normally reliable sources, Mr. de-Intimidator had created a completely fictitious explanation for Groundhog’s Day that not only was misleading but also was lacking in even one factual component. According to this source in the BIIA, the incident would have been relatively minor except for the fact that one of the very few sentient entities that actually read Mr. de-Intimidator’s blog, a Mr. Lakeview Coffee, put a link to this fictitious entry in his blog. The ensuing domino effect led to the story reaching the one remaining Zoroastrian community in the world in India which has threatened to sue the U.S. for blasphemy and failing to control its Internet users.

Neighbors of Mr. de-Intimidator quote him as saying and laughing maniacally while being dragged from his house by the BIIA agents in their chartreuse coveralls;

“It’s too late…it’s too late…It’s on the Internet…It’s now the truth…”


Anonymous said...

LOL! This is as good as something that I would read in The Onion. I'm impressed! And you know I really am too... because I just said so on the Internet, and that makes it a fact!

terri said...

They gonna throw ya in the klink now?

Bernice said...

Can I smuggle a laptop into the jail you are incarcerated in? I could put it in a pie.

Loved this entry.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Very nicely done! More reason for me to NOT link to other's blogs. Well played, but revenge will be mine!!!

Anonymous said...

were they carrying white jackets oh maybe with some straps attached to them?

well written and entertaining

Anonymous said...

haha i spelled my name wrong!

stef said...

You're supposed to do that sort of thing for APRIL FOOLS DAY. You got your non-essential holidays mixed up.

WeaselMomma said...

That's hysterical!