Friday, May 16, 2014

Euro 2014 - Vitré and Les Roches des Fées

We researched and found a city,  Vitré that was reputed to be the best preserved Medieval/Renaissance city in Brittany.  So we decided to make a day trip to see it.

The Medieval City

There were many, many interesting houses

The City Walls - very massive

Including this entry way back into the old town

The Church - Can't have a Medieval City without a churh

The Castle - Now this is a Castle!

Took this for my landscape contractor so he can do a replica for our front door.

Les Roches des Fées 

This is one of numerous Neolithic sites in Brittany.  It is a major Dolmen, or rock structure, which dates from around 2,500 BC about the time of the building of the great pyramids and well before Celtic period.


Agent W and The Derf said...

we are really enjoying all the photos! Fantastic!

alexis said...

wow, really neat sights!