Saturday, June 16, 2012

To The Lazy-Boy!

(Correction to last post - Picture of big kohlrabi now is on post.  Thanks for the heads up LCJ)

de-I is not talking about a piece of furniture as you would think of it.  Instead we're talking about a one of the favorite places to go hiking.  As de-I's Sandia Outfitters (You have nothing to lose - but yourself - to a cliff - or a bear - or maybe a puma) is currently not taking on new clients because of some minor legal issues (nasty libelous claims of torture et al), I decided to go hiking by myself.

I went to my favorite lookout point which is about a 9 mile round trip, 2000 foot climb hike.  I love this place because it is the only place I hike to that has this:

My Personalized Mountain Lazy-Boy
That formation of rock in the light tan is sculpted in a way that  perfectly fits my body.  When I put my backpack behind my head I can stretch out with my legs supported.

 Like This
And I can just get meditative or take a little snooze looking at:


 I also am happy to note that I am finally rounding into good shape after all the events of last fall and winter.  I did the hike in two hours.  My best time is an hour and 50 minutes with two hours 15 minutes being totally acceptable.  And I wasn't even really trying to push it either.

T'was a bit whiped out when I got home though.



terri said...

What a great place to make an escape. It's beautiful. Glad you're feeling back to normal again.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

That looks pretty nice and relaxing! How did you find it? I can see just walking past it and seeing rocks, but somehow you had to see a chair. Interesting.....

alexis said...

I miss hiking damn it. Just have to settle for doing it vicariously through you. :)

Jules said...

nice work on the time! and always great pictures and views

Jules said...

nice work on the time! and always great pictures and views

Pulisha said...

Fabulous pictures, Dad. I miss hiking, too, Lex!