Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Defending My Good Name

One thing one always needs to do int his world of 'everyone can be published critic by blogging' is be vigilant in defending yourself from scurrilous comments.  Just today I was perusing the daily blogs when I ran into this little bit of libel.  Sigh.  I, de-I, the modicum of self-control and discipline, being accused as the cause of gluttony.  Let's go through the actual sequence of events.

Dinner Monday
  • LCJ - "I thought we'd cook in today.  I'm going to make this trout with veggies and cream sauce dish.  Is that OK.
  • de-I - "Sure"

Breakfast Tuesday
  • LCJ - " I decided I'm going to make breakfast today.  I made it for LL over the weekend and she loves it and I'd like to make her breakfast today too.  It's buckwheat crepes with fruit and Nutella.  Is that OK with you?
  • de-I - "Sure"
Dinner Tuesday
  • LCJ - "I was able to get Ricardo for dinner so I thought we'd go to Sun Wah."
  • de-I - "Great with me.  I love Sun Wah"
 And for the record, if you go to Fall-fil and you just get veggie salads with your felafel it is not gluttonous at all.


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Slander!! Foul!!! He left out all the non-verbal communication prompts that led me to those statements, which I can neither confirm nor deny that I said.

alexis said...

Joe, sounds like you need video surveillance.

Pulisha said...

Good name? How can one defend what never existed? ;) Embrace the gluttony, Dad - be the gluttony! (and plan for Singapore!!)