Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Childs Fantsy or An Actuality?

When granddaughter 1 of 4, also known as C of the Pulisha clan, comes to visit we often play a game whereby Grandpa de-I is the Tree in the Enchanted Forest that captures unwary little girls and holds them ransom unless they go to their parents and get the Tree Icky Wine. Icky Wine is C's code word for all things alcoholic from when she was younger and wanted to try some of my wine and pronounced it "Icky".

I've always thought of this story as figment of my imagination. But recently I noted that some of the stuff in my liquor cabinet seemed to be going down faster than a could account for. So I set up a camera with a trip wire and recorded this image. You decide for yourself.

Tree reaching for booze?


Pulisha said...

Hah! I knew it wasn't just a legend ;)

alexis said...

that would account for the tree's stunted growth of late. Do you know if it's also taken up smoking?

stef said...

Aw, my sisters out-funnied me. Now I have nothing to say.

stef said...

Aw, my sisters out-funnied me. Now I have nothing to say.

Bernice said...

When did you publish this blog? New Year Eve after bringing down the inventory? Love it.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Yeah, that's what I'm going to do: start blaming inanimate objects for my drinking problems! Sweet!

"Hey look, it's the drinky lamp!"

"The sofa's looking a little bloated today. Of course, so would you if you drank as much as it did last night!"

You're a lush, just fess up!! :-)

Michael Podolny said...

Trees are not inanimate Mr. LVC

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Oh, it looked like a fake tree. Sorry.