Thursday, April 26, 2007

Political Comment

I saw on the Daily Show an interview with Senator John McCain a couple of days ago. Normally these interviews are amusing but I always admire when any conservative gets on the show because you know that they're going in front of an unfriendly audience. In this case John Stewart and McCain really went at it and in what I thought was a very intelligent fashion. McCain certainly didn't hurt himself. And at the end it seemed that both left with their mutual respect intact (McCain has been on the show numerous times). Would that our political dialog always be like this - intense, intelligent, and respectful

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw this interview too and have seen McCain on the show before. This time he really seemed to dodge Stewart's questions and seemed to be defending the Bush administration. I was actually somewhat appalled and disappointed. You're right though, they did seem still friendly at the end. Maybe Stewart had lower expectations for answers than I did.