Sunday, April 15, 2007

Battle of the Bulge Truce

Associated Press - Oslo, Norway

A historic compromise was announced today when the forces of fanatical self-discipline and the forces of hedonistic enjoyment declared a truce in their 9 month old battle over the waistline of de-I. The historic compromise was brokered through the offices of the Norwegian government.

The compromise will allow both parties to co-exist with a power sharing arrangement. But neither party will have complete control over the Ministry of Diet.

Both parties regretted that they have waited this long to announce the compromise (as details were being worked out) as an agreement had actually been reached three weeks ago. However, the preemptive "bitch slap" attack on the part of Dutch forces on de-I last week convinced both parties to go public.

The only comment from Amsterdam was "This whole dieting thing is taking over and we had to take action for our own self-interest".


alexis said...

How did you come to chose Oslo, I wonder?

Anyways, glad to hear you've come to peace with it :)

stef said...

Too funny Dad!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the accord!

Pulisha said...

I, too, am curious about the Oslo connection. Was Geneva too passe? ;)