Sunday, October 23, 2022

Enna - Because You Can Never Get Enough Medieval Mountain Towns (Or Duomos)

 Friday was our last day with the car. After paying for gas after one week, I was way glad we didn't have it longer! 

So what to do? Where do we go? The fact is that after a month in Sicily in 2021 and another month now, there is not a whole lot of even 'B' list places we've missed. However, one town came up, the town smack dab in the geographic center of the island, on a mountain, with a Cathedral. And (had we known) major road construction on the primary route too it making navigation fun and games (or hell depending on your point of view). Loyal readers know, KNOW if you present these criteria to Wife and de-I just right, there is no way in hell we missing this.

So it is off to Enna. As I mentioned, I should have paid notice to our GPS when it said that the normally 50 minute drive was going to take 2-hours due to a highway closure. As fate would have it, when we exited the autostrada to take the detour, stopping because the directions made no sense, a local driver told us (in Italian) to just get back on the autostrada. Turns out it is open much further than our current GPS data had evidently. 

We made our way to the designated parking area but found a space (covered by Easy Park no less!) literally in front of the Duomo. And we were right on the end of the block so we knew no one could park behind us. Getting out would be a breeze.

We arrive the Duomo (Thank God! It's been two days since I've seen one!)

The exterior was rather plan 

But the interior! Wow. This was one of those gems we find during our deep explorations off of the A-List trail

A very different design style having been built in the 14th century (after the period of the Normans whose cathedrals we have seen before). The design is a combination of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque.

Remember my disappointing reviews of Monreale and the sameness of the individuals portrayed in the artwork? Enna was the polar opposite.



Stained Glass Windows


And the painted works...OMG. They really evoked the Renaissance style with all its focus on the individuality of the person.

I particularly like the furrowed brow on the Christ child as if he were already and adult and the ethereal look on Mary.

How many meetings have you been when you have felt like this! Truly a universal pose.

Now into the rest of the town

You think?

Um. Excuse me de-I. You expect us to get excited about a Medieval town without a castle?

Sacre Bleu! But of course!

This town even has its own 'Rock'

Vistas of the Enna

Vistas of the next hill town over (which we will NOT be visiting)

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH Esposous Fotograficus!

I have decided after my VAST experience with the Sicilian Driving Test to open the...

de-I Sandia Outfitters School of Sicilian Driving!

One of our first happy graduates.

Meal of the Day

Cacio e Pepe (a classic Roman pasta we love) and a mixed grill with sausage, pork, veal, lamb, chicken + grilled eggplant and zucchini.


Aimless Wandering Zone

But Wait! There's More!

New Improved Sicilian Driving Training!

Remember my comment in the beginning about where we parked?

That's right. Some a-hole parked so his/her bumper physically touched mine while their rear end stuck out into the street. Thank goodness I left myself a whole foot in front. I am proud to say it only took an 8 point turn to get out. I am getting good at this!

1 comment:

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I live caccio e pepe, but I don't know if I could brave that parking situation to get to it.