Wednesday, February 2, 2022



 My luggage and I were reunited today. While I had made adjustments to get myself home at a reasonable hour after the days of traveling, I had, unfortunately, lost my bags in the process. Thankfully they were found languishing in Amsterdam, were put on flights that got them back to me today. 

It was a happy reunion. They had missed me and I certainly missed them. They were so happy to be back but let me know in no uncertain terms that I was not to do this again, change my itinerary in mid-travel. I promised.



alexis said...

Look at those sad suit cases! I bet they were scared.

Unknown said...

MUPGT laughed at your promise, and makes an u nfiortunate promise to you...

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

There are shades of Terry Pratchett here. If you had The Luggage, you'd never need to worry about losing your bags again.