Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sister Update

A number of people have asked me how my sister is doing since the receipt of the new kidney. I spent considerable time with her yesterday and I am pleased to say she is doing very well.

She looks much better. She is doing a lot of walking and can maintain a brisk pace though she has a tendency to not give herself credit for what she's accomplished. They have her various medications down to a level that is probably as low as they are going to go. She still has trouble with being tired and she complains that she is sleeping later than she should.

It still seems that it is a little early for her to really be taking stock of what she is going to be capable of and what she wants to do going forward.

All in all I'd say she's doing great.


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

I sleep later than I should and I have two good kidneys.

Good to hear she's doing well though!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that she's doing pretty well. It was important that you could spend time with her and give her encouragement.... You are both to be admired!

alexis said...

I'm so glad to hear she is doing well! I do miss hearing odd news about the family.

terri said...

That's fantastic that your sister is doing so well!