Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Put To The Sabre

As penance for my packing up the Visigoths a year or so too early for their proposed departure from Albuquerque ( I was just trying to help for crying out loud!), I was required to expiate my sins by taking part in a cherished Visigothic ritual - the Sabre Dance.

This involves a bunch of guys skating around on ice in armor versus another group similarly armored both carrying around saber like weapons which they use mostly against each other but occasionally to hit a small black object. Every once in a while this object goes into a net and everyone either cheers or groans depending on which side put the object in.

During this ritual, you are required to shout out talismanic chants like "Go Sabres", clap your hands, groan, curse, etc. depending on how things are progressing. Then there is the animal worship. My local Goths evidently worship the Buffalo while our opponent tribe was worshiping the Bruins.

While this is clearly a sign of the barbarian nature of the Gothic tribes, I must admit there was a certain attraction to the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

That certain attraction was probably the alcohol consumed during the event.

lol, good times..GO SABRES!!

Unknown said...

amazing the fun you have!!!

alexis said...

ppl here are always confused when I refer to hockey on ice.

stef said...

Was there no traditional dishes served at this event?

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Yeah, what was cooked over the camp fire?

Alexis, how can people be confused about hockey? They play hockey over there. What are they confusing it with?? Field hockey?? Foosball?? Air hockey??

Michael Podolny said...

No traditional dishes for hockey games - too many of them in a season I guess - unless you call reheated, take-out Singapore Mi Fun traditional Sabres food.