Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Ahhhh. Back in Albuquerque where I will be for the next two weeks. And the travel prognosis for October is back down to less than 50% of the month. We've got a couple of big events coming up. I have a partner (one operating company and two buildings) from MI who is spending a couple of days this week looking at the possibility of doing some investing in ABQ. Then next week we have a big two day meeting of Podolny Group people (both existing and recruits) to look at where we want to go next year. So I've got a lot of preapration to get ready for that. Mrs. de-I is dashing off on Friday to visit Pulisha, Tim de Buffalo and the 3 terrors and will be back on Monday.


The latest squirrel extermination seems to have done the job and a bountiful harvest seems to be coming in. We have a slew of tomatoes, yellow and green summer squash, butternut and acorn squash, eggplant, NM green chile, poblano chile and three humongous watermelons. I've got much cooking to do this weekend.


Unknown said...

Glad that things in Abq are fine after your midwest travels! Tell Mrs d-I to enjoy her time with the CA clan! Don't work too hard.

Agent W

alexis said...

oh, how my heart aches for FRESH green chile. I still remember graduating from college in MI, and Michelle from NM drove up with a big shoe box of green chiles as my graduation present. Best gift ever!

stef said...

hmmm. yummy produce grown in your backyard in general would be nice about now.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Chicago invades Albuquerque...the countdown is on!