Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why is Accepting Good Fortune Hard to Do

The last few weeks I have been filled with anxiety. I've been thinking about the business and where the next clients are coming from, etc, etc. Is this because we've been slow or because we've been having client problems? No. In fact the opposite is the reality. Things have never been better. We're setting records for both top line and bottom line. My associates are doing great work. I have the new book coming up and a great new addition with Rich in Chicago. Clients are oozing praise and signing up for larger and longer term projects. So what's the problem?

Answer - I don't know. Maybe after a lifetime of setbacks I think the cosmic overlords are chuckling just setting me up for the next crash. Maybe I don't think I'm worthy of success. (How bizarre is that!) Maybe I've practiced worry for so long it has become a built in behavior.

Whatever it is I've decided that I'm not going to accept it. The book MR gave me, The 48 Rules of Power, has actually been very helpful in this regard. And my spiritual works are valuable too. This is one psychological trap that I'm going to turn around and walk out of.


alexis said...

my goodness, seems I need to read this book. And it's about time you got some good karma, you have worked very hard for it.

TaxMiles said...

Mike - this blog entry struck a chord. I too have been feeling a sense of doom in the midst of good news and potential boom. Repeat after me, "I am good enough, I am smart enough and, goshdarnit, people like me". - Sahd

stef said...

Very wise. I'll have to bookmark this post for times when I'm doing the same thing...;)

Michael Podolny said...

Thanks for all the support!