Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Return Of Video

 Since 2014, I have essentially not watched any kind of video entertainment. That was the time when I began the great book writing process. The story I was creating held far more interest to me than anything I could watch. Plus, I found that I was becoming very sensitive to sensory overload. Video entertainment in general (at least for me) is way over the top in terms of sensory stimulation. 

Recently, however, I have been enticed to give video another try. Daughter #1 was the stimulus for this. She asked if I had seen a China produced food series from Netflix called Flavorful Origins. She extolled its production values and creativity. I gave my usual protests that I didn't do video and couldn't get it any case. But Wife pointed out that I could use the Netflix account we have on my computer. 

So I gave it a try. It was very interesting. And with having it on my computer I could actually control easily the amount of time I spent. So I am using it as a break between writing in the evening.


alexis said...

and we can all look forward to mutton steamed within sheep's intenstines during our next family get together now as a result.

de-I said...

Or live shrimp lightly marinated for 20 minutes...Yum!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Now I'm glad that covid won't allow me to visit for a while...

de-I said...

RMG, there are whole veggie oriented episodes like flax seed and Lotus flowers