Saturday, December 5, 2020

Is Illusion Better Than Reality?

 In my last post, I bemoaned the fact that I had not magically lost 10 years of aging...Despite HAVING TWEETED LOUDLY THAT THAT WAS THE TRUTH. I mean because we know that saying something over and over, louder and louder makes it true. Right?

Well maybe it has had some effect.

Wife was talking to a fellow Rotarian today about a project. For some reason the subject of age came up (maybe because it is my birthday...not to late to send presents is always good 😀.

This woman, who is 67, thought that Wife and I are IN OUR 50'S!!!!!!

Shit, that's 10 years better than what I was hoping for. Now if I can just get the Grim Reaper to buy into this narrative, I'm golden! 👍


alexis said...

I certainly hope people are mistaking me for 50 when I am that age too!!

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

That's quite the compliment! And reasonable, given that you and Aunt de-I are so active.

I don't know what age I'll look like in a decade or two, but I think I'll always feel about 65 inside.