Thursday, December 17, 2020

This And That

 Well there hasn't been a whole lot momentous going on here. I mean in the world there is. It has been three whole days and our beloved outgoing President hasn't been mentioned in the national newscasts even once! As one of my Ghanaian participants would say, "How Cool Is That!"

But little things of life do strike my inner chords.

We made latkes, raw potato pancakes that are traditional for Hanukah. I had leftovers. My fertile culinary mind said, "Hey these are basically hash brown potatoes." So I served on up with some fried eggs and some homemade New Mexico Green Chile for breakfast!

It was time to put up our Christmas tree. It ended up unusually tasteful and balanced. We usually strive for garish and outlandish. 

I did however create this little tableau

Those Star Trekkers will recognize Captain Janeway on her command deck

She is surrounded by Angels and Birds of Peace and holds the dominate position above the Borg Cube.

I had mentioned in an earlier post that we were getting really good leeks and my intention of making classic Eastern European Jewish Chicken Fricassee using leeks instead of onion. 

It turned out Great!

Finally, we've had some small bits of snow. So the trail I do for my exercise has (as usual) started to get snow covered. I have great winter hiking gear including a pair of boots that are good in the cold and have extra traction. 

It snowed on Tuesday. I was shocked when I got toward the end of the hike that the snow was one had hiked this far yet! 

Kind of cool


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

I am so pleased to see Captain Janeway's position of power. Be careful, though, or your tree will be overrun with Borg. They are a very difficult household pest to eradicate.

alexis said...

fortunately I have young children so there is no risk of our tree not turning out garish.