Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Joy Of Cooking (And Eating)

Food - consuming it and preparing it - has been a big part of my life. I grew up in a family where we definitely lived to eat not ate to live. And the pursuit of a world of gastronomic delights, experiences, and human connections provided much joy over the decades.

However, 5 to 7 years ago as I was going through the meat of my transition experience, all things food-related seemed to drop off as a source of joy. There were physical issues that affected what I could and how much I could eat and drink. Other physical issues made performance entertaining - where the food experience was the main attraction - not only unenjoyable but in many cases dangerous. And even at home where now do all our cooking, dealing with various dietary restrictions and lack of appetite issues disincentivized foodie pleasure.

But some time over maybe the last year or so something shifted. Perhaps I have had enough time to accept all the limitations so I don't mourn them but just accept them as reality. Or maybe we've stabilized in the transitioned role so I can once again look to other pleasures. All I know is that I have gotten way more engaged in my cooking and am enjoying the results way more. Much like I said in my last post about my writing, I am pretty impressed with what I am putting on the plate these days.

Having taken all these cooking lessons around the world has certainly expanded my repertoire of flavors and techniques. And the work schedule (as busy as it may seem to others) is so much less than when I worked fulltime that I have the time and the energy to be creative.

I also have switched to only drinking 'good' wine. I mean what's the point of saving things at my age. Since I can afford it I buy good Bordeaux, Burgundy, Rhone, Barolo, Barbaresco, Rioja and some Oregon Pinot Noir and that's about it. You get to the point where you know what you like and just want to indulge in it. I used to have a problem opening a good bottle just for myself (Wife is not that much into wine for various reasons) but no more.

And I have to say it is all good...really good.


Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

This makes me happy to hear! You are one of the people who first taught me what "living to eat" looked like.

alexis said...

I am looking forward to indulging in good wine every day