Thursday, March 22, 2012

Miracle in the Southwest

Since you religiously memorize each of my posts you will remember the horrible weather we had in December when we felt the cold had pretty much wiped out our chances of a peach crop this year.

But we were not accounting for the power of faith. But as committed Born Again Aztecs, we persisted in our faith...executing raiding parties to adjoining neighborhoods...performing the human sacrifices of our faith.

(BTW do you have any idea of how much money you have to spend on legal expenses to defend the practice of human sacrifice by reason of Freedom of Religion?)

We were out this afternoon doing more garden work when I looked at our peach tree.

Behold. There was a light bathing it. There were small buds on the tree.

Yea verily these are not young leaves.
No these are small flowers
That will lead to peaches this summer
Glory to Quetzalcoatl

Maybe I should check around town for another appropriate sacrifice? Maybe not. I'm behind on my legal bills.


Jules said...

Yay!!! I love peaches!! I"m glad your tree will be okay after all!

terri said...

That's an amazing picture of the tree. The light bathing it really looks Heavenly!

alexis said...

Sad I will not be around to enjoy those peaches

Mike said...

These posts of yours have me cracking up. If you need a few human sacrifices, I could probably ship you a few. I've been encountering a lot of annoying drivers lately in my morning commute, and I wouldn't be upset if they were out of my way for good.