Sunday, March 18, 2012

Let The Gardening Begin

It is that time of year. After snow just a week ago, it has been up in the 70's and we have trees blooming and leaves coming out all over the place. As part of my personal long-term transition plan, I'm trying to work less and have more time to do other things like enlist in Wife's Foothills Gardening Regiment. As private in the Regiment, that means mostly that I do a lot of menial stuff. But that's OK because if feeds the produce factory which in turn feeds my culinary fantasies.-

Field Marshal Wife-issimo
Planning the Early Spring Vegetable Offensive
On Saturday we planted:

  • Collard Greens
  • Turnip Greens
  • Kale
  • Napa Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Mustard Greens
And a crap load of onions.

Then on Sunday the weather turned. The winds came up as they do so often and the temperature is going to drop around 40+ degrees. So we were out again in the wind putting on frost coverings, securing them with every heavy object (stones, pavers, bricks) in our yard.

This is when I miss us having grandchildren living close by.


terri said...

Don't worry. As a private, you can't give orders to the grandchildren anyway.

Can't wait to see all the creative ways you'll use all of the produce.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Wow...crazy weather. We've been in the 70's and 80's with no change in sight!

Pulisha said...

Don't worry, you can always borrow them, We have a great summer labor camp, er, summer camp corps here at Pu's Corner.

Also, I have to say, I don't recall there ever being a Brussels Sprout Fairy during our time in Abq. Perhaps the Squash Fairy ate her?

Xani said...

I just enlisted my boyfriend to build a "salad table" over the weekend. This contraption will allow us to grow greens, herbs, and shallow-rooted veggies all summer in our urban environment. And since summer has already started in MD, I'm very glad he followed my orders and built it ASAP!

alexis said...

mom was very appreciative of all the help - sorry we missed talking to you last night!

A salad table - I wonder if this would work in Amsterdam?

Jules said...

Yay, gardens! I just downloaded a book for my Kindle on gardening so I am hoping to learn how to plant a few things, even if it's just in a container instead of in the ground. I have to start somewhere!

Mike said...

"Early spring vegetable offensive." You crack me up.

Can't wait to see the fruits (vegetables?) of your labors!