Friday, March 23, 2012

Chip Off The Ole Block

Mom block that is.

Let's just say that it takes me a while to get going. I get up, meditate or do yoga for about an hour, shower, get dressed, make breakfast, and then I'm ready for the day. On a typical work day I'll get up at 5:30 and be ready to see the world around 8.

My Mom was this way when I was growing up. I was the only one allowed to come down and have breakfast with her because I was the only one who would be happy sitting in silence with her.

It's never been much of a problem with Wife because I've always gotten up much earlier than she has (at least now that our children are long out of the house). But today for some reason she was up and coming to breakfast at around the same time I was.

She immediately starts talking about this dream she had (Wife has long and detailed dreams), and about plans for redoing a portion of our back yard, etc. I am mostly eating breakfast, reading the newspaper, and occasionally glancing at her to give her as much reinforcement as I'm able to at that time in the morning that I know I'm supposed to be listening.

She stops, looks at me. "I'm talking to much aren't I." "I think I'll go up and get my computer started". I smile.

See. The joys of old love :)


Jules said...

Your wife certainly knows you! How sweet :)

terri said...

She is so sweet. She knows you so well, she doesn't take this kind of thing personally.

I have a ways to go before I'm that easy-going... if ever.

alexis said...

mom is awesome

Mike said...

I'm with you. It takes me a long time to get going in the morning too. ...Or anytime after I wake up, for that matter. I'm less than sociable until my body fully "warms up."