Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hup! Hup! Florida

Florida has become one of the 'go to' destinations because of the Pulisha clan having settled there. We decided that we would schedule a visit around the Memorial Day weekend. Air prices being what they were it was cheaper to go for a week.

We flew out yesterday. Since we have a couple of extra days we decided to link up with Wife's brother G and wife D who live in Southern GA. Pu lives in St. Petersburgh so we're in a place in between, St. Augustine on the Atlantic coast. Also the oldest European settled and continuously lived in community in the US.

Unfortunately we made the plan to see the Bro-in-law after we made the the plane reservations so we ended up having to drive 3 hours from Tampa. I would have flown into Jacksonville had I known. No biggie just a long day. We ate at a Steak and Shake for the first time ever.


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Ha! Last year I ate at a S&S too. Maybe not for the first time, but the first time that I remember. I was underwhelmed.

terri said...

What is this Steak and Shake? I've never heard of it.

alexis said...

oh man, S&S! Good memories from university day.

Hope you all have a GREAT time at Podolnypalooza!

Mike said...

@Terri - Steak n' Shakes are a dime a dozen down here. Greasy, semi-tasteless food, and lots of black and white stuff.

@De-I - Very nice. I've only been to Florida once. I loved it, though. Enjoy your stay!

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of Steak & Shake. They have shoestring fries that you have to eat about 10 of to equal one normal sized one. I usually end up getting a taco salad if I go there.