Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Now This is Easy!

OK, let's say you're a young guy. Your hard working. Maybe you have this great girl friend who you've unwittingly nearly given a a concussion during a bad dream incident. And you say, "I need to make this up to her by cooking her a great meal." But you don't know squat about cooking. And you want to keep your daily calorie content to around 1300 a day. What to do!

You go to de-I's blog for great, easy, easy, low calorie meals, of course.

This is a meal that requires virtually no clean up and a guarantee that anyone can do this. The meal is entirely cooked in a 425 degree oven. The key is the power of cooking in an enclosed packet (aluminum foil is the easiest). All you have to do is put the base food ingredient in with some flavorings, close the packet, bake, open, and serve.

For my meal today, I served a fish fillet, mushrooms, and baked potatoes

I seasoned the mushrooms with salt, pepper, paprika, a little oil, and a touch of wine (very little)

My fish is flavored with slices of garlic, ginger, drizzled with soy sauce, and a little sherry

Close the packets. The potatoes have been cooking for about an hour and the packets go in for 15 minutes (total cooking time - 1 hour 15 minutes)

Take out the food, open it up, and serve.
The enclosed packet steams the food with the flavorings creating its own sauce.
Notice the under layer of foil. That ensures that you keep that pan clean if you spill some of the sauce as you take the food out.

And you say, "de-I, is this low calorie". Why thank you for asking, yes it is. .80 of pound of the fish (opakapka in this case) is 370 calories, the potatoes, another 300 (go light on the butter my friend), the mushrooms - less than 100.

Now here's the great part. You can use any flavoring you want. Use something prepackaged. Use salt, pepper and chili powder. Use whatever you like.

I guarantee if you try this you will be pleased. It's easy, tasty, minimal cleaning, healthy.


WeaselMomma said...

That looks like a great method with little mess. Is there a meat that turns out well that can be substituted? Or is this a fish only deal?

terri said...

Is Mike beating up Jules in his sleep? Or is it Joe knocking out Lovely Laura?

I love cooking anything that simple! You really should have your own cooking show so you can help the masses of culinarily challenged people.

alexis said...

why are you starving yourself to 1300 calories a day???

de-I said...

WM - You could actually do anything that works well with wet heat (think stews and pot roasts). You'd have to have it cook much longer. I haven't tried it with chicken. If I were using breast meat, I'd put something in to give it some moisture say BBQ sauce, etc.

Terri - Read Mike's blog

Alexis - Actually that's not me but something another blogger put on their blog. However, there is a formula for how much you should eat to lose weight safely based on your body weight and for me it comes out to just around that number. You forget that at my age I don't need as many calories to fuel oppressive worrying :)

stef said...

If only Husband would eat fish! I have to say I never think to make steamed food. For some reason I always imagine it is going to be bland and tasteless. Obviously I am not thinking clearly!

Unknown said...

I will try this! Got any other "packet" recipes up your sleeve, maybe to cook on the bbq?

Anonymous said...

I like this! That's a good idea for Mike to cook for me since he almost made me a head trauma patient. And that does sound pretty easy.

Mike- Any night this week is good for me except tonight.

de-I said...

Stef - see comment above to WM. You can certainly do other foods this way - just need to extend the cooking time.

Agent W - You can use this technique on the BBQ but you have be careful about not scorching the bottom.

And Terri - uh didn't you make manicotti from scratch for 150 people! I'd hardly call that "culinarily challenged".

Mike said...

You really leave me no excuses, do you? ;)

I may actually have to give it a shot. Jules will let you know the outcome... assuming she survives another night with me.

Bernice said...

Keep the recipes coming.