Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What We Lack in Gardening Prowess...

...we make up with in superior photography. First of all the 'we' is a bit presumptuous as both the gardening and the photography are the work of Mrs. de-I. However as President and CEO of the Bank of de-I and the sole source of the funding for these projects I do believe I have some sort of lien rights that allow me to use the first person plural.

Gardening in our little corner of the world is a challenge. No deep dark black soil like they have in Ohio, Illinois, or Minnesota. We are on the edge of a mountain and our soil is the detritus of eroded rock with little in the way of decomposed plant matter. On top of that, this is a desert - 10 inches of rain per year on average. So we have very dry hot days that dessicate the soil especially during our hottest period of May and June.

But because of my love of fresh produce for cooking and Wife's love of beauty she works like a maniac on our tiny little spread (or it could be her farm girl genes manifesting themselves.

Golden Raspberries

These are one of the real success stories. They absolutely thrive on the side of our house, are amazingly productive and taste wonderful

Morning Glories

It has taken a number of years for these to really take hold but they are finally showing their beauty


Wife planted a peach tree last year and these are the first we've gotten. We ate the very first ones tonight (they had actually fallen of the tree so were a little early in terms of ripeness). Wife's comment says it all
"These taste just like real peaches!"



Would you believe - Squash Blossom?

My one complaint would be Wife's propensity to grown multiple yellow squash and/or zucchini plants each year. They produce volumes of mediocre produce that I am forced to find something to do with.

Trumpet Vine

Very, very popular in these parts

Come on have you ever seen a more appetizing picture of a watermelon?


Anonymous said...

Your wife's gardening and photographic talents are impressive! And you have done a wonderful job of displaying her success on the internet!

alexis said...

does look beautiful! Hard to believe it costs so much time, it looks so effortless.

stef said...

Wow- those pictures are amazing. Too bad I can't have her photo my garden and make it look that pretty.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos~ glad to see that the garden(s) are doing well!

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Son of a b@#$%! Those are awesome pictures! Wow!

Pulisha said...

So I assume you're saving that watermelon for a special occasion (such as when your most favoritist daughter and her multitude of children swarm over for a visit)? ;)