Thursday, August 28, 2008

Belated Sunday Food Pics

Daughter-blogger MR and hubbie John the Armenian (you don't want to be on the list) LOVE to grill. Which for them is not just the act of cooking over coals (yes JtA is a purist and uses charcoal not a gas grill). It is for them it is having friends over and the combination of the cooking and the enjoyment of company and the out-of-doors.

I was in Chicago this week and came in early on Sunday to be with them and granddaughter Dukes which I related earlier in the week. Lakeview Coffee joined us which was lots of fun.

I evidently was supposed to be the official blogger photographer. Unfortunately, after only one beer (a Japanese craft beer!), I was already in full 'have a good time' mode. So I'm afraid I failed pretty miserably with the photo taking :(

I did get two :)

Tomatoes being sliced by MR for a luscious tomato salad with homemade croûtons and ricotta salata cheese
These were a special green type that came right from the MR garden

Grilled Bison Ribeyes with the Salad
JtA raved about how good Bison was and I had to agree.
Look at the beautiful salad and beautiful McEwan's Scottish Ale!


Anonymous said...

That's a HUGE tomato! (As if you didn't know that already.) How did it taste? Does it taste at all like a traditional red tomatoe?

alexis said...

lovely tomato - go Stef!!

stef said...

I have to say that tomato photographed beautifully, even on a phone!

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

The tomato salad was delish!! The bison steak was awesome too! Nice pics....what a great looking beer.

Unknown said...


Agent W