Thursday, August 7, 2008

What Evil Hath You Commenters Wrought!

Round, Square, or Octagonal?

Flat or with Lips?

China, Porcelain, or Stoneware?

Cups and Saucers or Mugs?

White, White on White, White with a Border?

Shallow Bowls or Bowls with sides?

Setting for 8, 12 or 16?

Wife - "Have you looked on line at the 68 different white table service options yet?"


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. I love it. Reason #105 against marriage....having to get china.

alexis said...

this is for renee I take it - shoot, still haven't looked yet...

stef said...

hee hee hee. come on- she was thinking about it that night when you were washing all those dishes between courses.

Anonymous said...

de-I, it's going to be worth it when you have beautiful white dishes to showcase your stunning culinary achievements.