Tuesday, March 11, 2008

11:30 PM - Des Moines, IA

It so depressing trying to write about travel when your post is going to be about Des Moines while your offspring post about nearly dying from street food in China. I'm giving a talk tomorrow (thank goodness not until 10 AM) here and I thought I was going to miss my connection in Denver but lucky for me the Denver to Des Moines flight was late too. Being wily in the ways of air travel, I figured I better pack my own dinner so I enjoyed a ham and cheese on rye with fresh veggies and some orange (sorry BCD girls, not very gourmet).

I rolled into my hotel around 11 PM Central time. The hotel named the Wildwood Lodge has this outdoors theme - all sorts of fishing and hunting references. There's even canoe paddles hanging in my room! But blessing of blessings, they have drinks available to anyone at any hour. The reception person goes into a locked closet and pours you whatever your like regardless of how late you come in. Mmmmmm, a double Absolut Vodka to end the day.


stef said...

as long as you don't try to get in the canoe after you drink it! ;)

Anonymous said...

A homemade ham and cheese sounds pretty gourmet compared to airplane food.

Michael Podolny said...

Ahhh SRM, this would assume there was such a thing as airplane food any more - which there isn't.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Drinking alone in Des Moines....sign number 5 that you're probably an alcoholic.

Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Top Chef tonight!! Go Scylla chef/owner Stephanie!!!!

alexis said...

I FULLY expect to hear about top chef updates from you all.

and I must add an amendment - on all the Europe and China flights I've been on, I still get fed.